Work is done ON CAMERA and the scenes are taken from television shows and films. In addition, we cover all the major genres in both cold-read and callback scenarios.
This KIDS SUMMER CAMP is focused on the Haber Philosophy of “LIVING THE LIFE” in an audition context. Students learn to shift their focus off “performing” by developing a specific IMAGINATION and RELATIONSHIP.
Through a series of step-by-step exercises and ‘scenes' or slices of life, students will learn to bring their most imaginative, intuitive, and present selves to their auditions.
When you claim your spot for the FOUNDATION INTENSIVE you'll also get access to this inspiring introductory lecture from Margie Haber. This online lesson will help familiarize you with some of Margie's most important concepts so you get the most of your Foundation Intensive.
ACTING WITHOUT FEAR is the single most important thing you can do to transform your life and your career. Claim your power and fall in love with the creative process!